Rabu, 09 September 2009

Direct Income Earning Methods for Bloggers

1. Advertising

There are many ways of selling advertising space on a blog (this could almost be a series of it’s own) but some of the different advertising options that I see bloggers experimenting with include:

* Contextual Advertising - Programs like AdSense and YPN (beta) are very popular with bloggers and are probably the most common income stream being used by them today (MSN are developing one too). In short - these programs scan the content of your blog to assertion what it’s topic is and attempt to put contextually relevant ads (text and image) onto your blog. They are generally simple to use and involve pasting some code into your blog’s templates. Payment is on a ‘per click’ basis (referred to as CPC or ‘cost per click’ ads). Contextual ads suit blogs that have a particular niche topic, especially if it has some sort of commercial angle (ie it has products and services associated with it). They are not so good with ‘general’ type blogs (ie many topics) and/or political/spiritual blogs which argue just one side of a case (this confuses AdSense). I write much more extensively on how to use AdSense on your blog here.
* Other CPC Advertising - There are a variety of other ad systems that pay on a per click basis which are not contextual in nature (which is important as systems like AdSense do not allow you to run contextual ads on the same page view as them). These systems include Chitika’s eMiniMalls (aff) which I reviewed here.
* Impression Based Ads - Impression based ads pay a small amount for every person who views the advertisement. The amount that they pays varies from program to program (and ad to ad) and is generally a fraction of a cent. There are a variety of ad systems around like this including Fastclick (aff) which I reviewed here and Tribal Fusion. Impression based ads won’t earn you much if you don’t have a lot of traffic but can be great if you do.
* Blog Ads - BlogAds have become something of an institution when it comes to advertising on blogs. They traditionally have had a focus upon monetizing political blogs but are expanding their focus lately. The beauty of them is that bloggers set their own rates and can accept or reject advertisers that apply to them to be featured on their blogs. These ads put the control of what ads show and how much they earn into the hands of the blogger. The downside is that if you price them too high you could never have any ads showing at all. They can also be difficult to be accepted into as a publisher as these days they only accept people into the system if they have a someone who is already in ’sponsor’ or recommend the new publisher.
* Text Ads - Another increasingly popular way to sell ads on your blog is to look into text links. The beauty of these are that they don’t take up much room and that depending upon the system you choose to run them you can have control over which advertisers you accept and reject. AdBrite (aff) is one such system that gives you control in a similar way to BlogAds in that you set your own prices and approve all ads. They also other other formats of ads. Text Link Ads (aff) is another text link seller that more and more bloggers are using. The beauty of both of these systems is that they have a pool of advertisers already so you don’t have to go looking for your own advertisers. Their systems are also both very automated and are just a matter of pasting some code onto your blog. I use them both and while they don’t earn anywhere near as much as AdSense or Chitika for me they add up over the year and have done well for me. Bidvertiser and Adzaar are other system that I know are popular with some (we’ve used them quite successfully on b5media although I have little personal experience with them).
* RSS Ads - An increasingly popular way for people to read blogs is via RSS. As a result publishers and ad providers have been keen to find ways to place ads in feeds. These attempts have been met with a variety of success levels. I’m yet to hear of too many people making big dollars with RSS ads yet but the ad systems seem to be improving. AdSense offers RSS ads to some of it’s publishers (you have to have a certain number of impressions first) as does YPN. Feedburner is a tool I’ve used to help monetise my own feeds - they give publishers three options (1. AdSense if you’ve been approved by them, 2. Amazon affiliate program and 3. if you have a lot of subscribers (over 500) they have an Ad Network). Pheedo is another system that you might like to try (although I’ve not had much experience with it).
* Other Ads Systems - In addition to the above systems (most of which I’ve used myself) are many other advertising options which I’ve not had experience with and so won’t personally recommend. I’m sure they are worth experimenting with however as I see many of them being used by bloggers every day. Here they are in no particular order:
* AdGenta, CrispAds, Clicksor, Intelli Txt, Peak Click, Double Click, Industry Brains, AdHearUs, Kanoodle, AVN, Pheedo, Adknowledge, YesAdvertising, RevenuePilotTextAds, SearchFeed, Target Point, OneMonkey, and TextAds. Feel free to add your own and tell us how you’ve gone with them in comments below.

2. Sponsorship

Another form of advertising that a smaller number of bloggers are using is to find their own advertisers. All of the above systems have the advantage of finding you advertisers (or at least assisting in the automation of ads to your blog) but as your blog grows in profile and influence you might find other options for private deals come up.

The big blog networks have people dedicated to the task of finding advertisers (often working through ad agencies) but smaller bloggers might find this worthwhile also. I’ve been selling ads on my Digital Camera Blog for two years now and as it’s grown in traffic and profile and managed to attract larger companies (who are willing to pay more) to buys space. Currently the blog features ads from Adobe who have bought a combination of banner, newsletter and text ads.

The key if you’re going to take this approach is to target advertisers in your niche that have products that closely relate to what you’re writing about. There are a variety of ads that you can offer them including banner ads, buttons, text links, mentions in newsletters and even individual post sponsorships. I would highly recommend that you always make it clear to readers that your post is a sponsored one when you’re writing a sponsored post.

3. Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs are where you take a commission for referring a reader who purchases a product or service to a company. Probably the most common of these for bloggers is Amazon which has tens of thousands of products that you can link to (I reviewed it here). Other affiliate programs that represent many different companies and products include Linkshare, Commission Junction and Clickbank.

Affiliate programs take some work if you want to get the most out of them (perhaps more work than advertising) but can be lucrative if you match the right program with the right blog/topic. If you want to explore affiliate programs more you might like to read 10 tips for using affiliate programs on you blog.

4. Selling/Flipping Blogs

The idea of selling (or flipping) your blog is one that many bloggers have in the back of their minds for ‘one day’ but in reality it is not something that is overly common… yet (I think this is changing). Probably the largest sale is that of Weblogs Inc (a network of blogs) which sold to AOL for a reported $25 million. Of course this is the stuff that most of us can only dream of - but there are examples of smaller blogs being sold, either privately or via auctions on sites like eBay and SitePoint. One such auction was that of the Blog Herald which took place here.

Starting a blog with the main goal of selling it down the track is one that I’ve heard of a number of bloggers doing but few have been successful. Rather than starting with this intention I think if you start with the intention of building a quality site that has a large readership and it’s own good income stream you are more likely to find buyers down the track.

5. Donations and Tip Jars

A very small number of blogs have a history of making good money with these (Jason Kottke being one of them). To be successful with asking for money from readers you’ll want to have a large and loyal readership (and a rich one might help too). Most bloggers just don’t have the critical mass or the cult following to make it work.
6. Merchandise

Another method that some blogs use with reasonable effect is to sell T-Shirts, Mugs, Stickers etc with the blog’s name, logo and/or taglines on it. This is another idea that will probably only work if you either have a brilliantly designed merchandise range and/or you have a cult-like status as a blogger with some fanatical readers who are a little obsessive about your blog. Some blog topics lend themselves to this more than others.

7. Selling Subscriptions

The idea of charging readers for content is one that surfaces from time to time. While there are numerous websites around the web that do this successfully (community membership sites) I’m yet to see many (any) blogs do it well. The problem that most bloggers who have tried it have run into is that most topics that you could think to start a blog about already have free sites available. To make it succeed you would need to have some sort of premium/exclusive content and/or real expertise on a topic.

8. Blog Networks

Another emerging income source for bloggers are blog networks. There are two ways to make money here. Firstly you can start a network and contract bloggers to write for you or secondly you might like to join a blog network as a writer. There are many networks out there and all have their own strengths and weaknesses. I’ll attempt to write a post on what to think about when you’re looking at whether to join a network later in this series.

Next in the series we’ll look at indirect ways of making money because of your blog.

how to increase your computer performance

How to increase PC performance (Tips)

There are several things that can be done to improve computer performance on Windows OS based pcs. Here are some suggestions.

Clear/Delete the files in the Temp folders

Temporary files are created every time you open files or programs. These files are not always deleted by Windows and can decrease performance over time. Here's how to get to them:

Windows 95-98 (Please upgrade)

Windows 2000 and XP

In ofder to access the Temp folder you must set your OS to show hidden files. Go to the Control Panel and double click Folder Options. Under the View Tab, select show hidden files and folders, click ok. Now go to My Computer and navigate to the following directory C:\ >Documents and settings > Profile you wish to delete files from (usually named after your user name) > Local settings>Temp this is where the files are stored. Before you delete ANY files, make sure to have all programs and files closed. Then select all files from the Temp folder and delete them.
I realize this can be done through other utilites, but this is much faster. If you can't delete a file and get and access violation, it means the file is in use. Deselect the file and try deleting the others.

Check and install all available updates
Updates from Microsoft are free for validated users, go to Microsoft's website and select Security and Updates then select Microsoft Updates home, the site will automatically detect your OS and take you to the appropiate site. Run and install all available updates, including any Office updates.

Update your Anitvirus software
This is critical to ensure your pc stays virus free. Make sure to update your definitions at least ONCE PER WEEK and run a scan ONCE A MONTH. If your subcription is expired, BUY A NEW COPY and install it! It's a MUST!

Install Antyspyware software
There are tons of free anti-spyware bundles. I recommend Spybot as it is free and works GREAT! Install and run updates and scans at least once per month.

Clear/Delete Temp Internet files
Go to the control panel and select Internet Options. Under the general tab click DELETE HISTORY then DELETE COOKIES and finally DELETE FILES this is for IE version 6.0 thru 6.5 Verion 7.0 (which I recommend you install) has these options under the General Tab then click Delete under Browsing History, when the other window opens, select delte cookies, then files and finally history.

Browsing Habits
ALWAY be aware of where you click while on the internet. The smily faces, jokes, free laptop for a stupid question are just a few of the many harmful ads that lure users into getting infected. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Don't sign up for anything unless you know it's from a legit source. Also, don't buy anything that has been e-mailed to you unsolicited. IT"S TROUBLE! DELETE THE EMAIL RIGHT AWAY.

Hardware Upgrades
As far as hardware goes, perhaps the single most important upgrade is adding RAM or Memory (not to be confused with hard drive space aka capacity) this will speed up your pc some and it's not hard to do it yourself. Jus make sure to purchase the CORRECT type of RAM for YOUR pc. Contact the manufacter if necessary.

Other upgrades could include new CPU, Hard Drive etc.. but then it may be more cost effective to purchase a new pc :-)

Good Luck.

Google AdSense Tips If you like these tips, you can get even more in Uncommon AdSense, my comprehensive collection of AdSense tips. And for the lates

Tip #1: Don't put ads on empty pages.

When I reworked my site, I built a skeleton set of pages that had no content, just titles and some meta tags. I displayed ads on those pages, however. Although all you see are public service ads at first, the very act of displaying ads on a page causes the AdSense web crawler to quickly fetch that page for analysis. A page with good content will thus begin showing relevant paying ads fairly quickly.

Tip #2: Don't be afraid to ask questions

If you're wondering about something, don't be afraid to ask Google. So far, they've always responded to my questions within a working day.

Tip #3: Avoid non-English characters on English pages

This one is a bug, to be honest. My surname is French, and I prefer to write it out correctly with the accent grave on the first "e". Every page on my site would then include at least two accented letters, because my name shows up twice in the footer. On some pages my name shows up two or three more times.

Tip #4: Check your keyword density

Although Google doesn't release exact details as to how they determine the ads to serve on a given page, they do tell us that it's the text content of the page that matters, not the meta tags. Before serving ads on a page, then, you might want to check its keyword density.

how to join adsense

How to Join Google AdsenseIn order to join the Google Adsense program you will need to have a fully functional site. It also must meet Google’s guidelines. To check if your site is following the rules to be able to join Adsense check out the Terms of Service. If your site does meet the terms set by Google then you can proceed to applying for a Google Adsense account.

Fill in the required information and submit your application form. You will need to wait for an email that tells you whether your site has being accepted or rejected. If you followed the TOS of Google then your site shouldn’t have a problem in being accepted. You should hear back from Google within 7 days but it could be sooner. If you haven’t heard back from them within 7 days then use their contact us link and see what the hold up is.

Rejected ApplicationsIt is not uncommon for websites to get rejected by the Google Adsense team. Do not think that because your site is accepted you won’t be able to be a publisher of Google ever again. If you did read the TOS and your website follows the rules send them an email and ask them why your site was rejected. If they have rejected it for a reason not mentioned on the TOS they will reply and tell you. They will reply to your email giving you an answer of why your site was rejected.If you get a reason why it was rejected, they might tell you it was to do with something that is changeable on the site. If so make the change and re-apply to Adsense. Alternatively you can use the rejection email and respond by telling them the changes you have made.

If you have more than one website, then submit one of your other sites to see if you get accepted with that one.

Some Ways to Make Money on the Internet

# Infolinks - Infolinks is probably the highest paying option for your in-text advertising. On DLM, you will see underlined links scattered throughout articles. Those are a function of Infolinks and without disclosing too much, it's been a great source of income. Best is that they accept all sizes of websites and blogs. Just sign up and begin.

# Build a Niche Store - This is a simple store development platform which enables you to create content based sites that generate income through the eBay affiliate programs. Pretty darn simple and increasingly popular.

# Adbrite - Sell space on your site for text ads. This would work like the DLM Marketplace you see on the right of my pages although I chose to manage it myself.

# Amazon Affiliate Program - Easily create a store or shopping section on your site instead of sending your visitors to Amazon. Amazon handles the shopping cart and fulfillment.

# Amazon Seller - Sell your stuff on Amazon

# Associated Content - If you write a story, how-to, rant, how-to cut grass, etc., you can submit it to them and they will pay you $3-$20 per article if they like it.

Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

cara mendapatkan uang dari internet

Bagaimana cara mendapatkan duit dari internet dengan mudah dapat anda pelajari lewat blog ini. Banyak sekali peluang bisnis di internet yang dapat anda andalkan sebagai penghasilan / income anda. Blog ini menyediakan informasi cari duit dari internet atau mendapatkan income dari dunia maya.

Tentu anda tahu internet merupakan teknologi yang dapat menyebarkan informasi ke banyak orang dimana saja dan kapan saja. Karena itu internet dapat membangun bisnis atau usaha di internet yang dapat membuat orang tahu bagaimana cara mendapatkan uang dari internet. Lalu bagaimana supaya bisa menghasilkan income / duit dari dunia maya?

Untuk bisa mulai tahu cara mendapatkan uang dari internet adalah dengan memiliki website atau blog. Mengapa website atau blog? Dengan memiliki website atau blog, sama saja dengan membuat toko, kios atau majalah yang seperti anda lihat sehari-hari. Dari website, atau blog anda dapat menampilkan produk atau jasa yang anda miliki untuk tawarkan kepada pengunjung anda. Begitu juga dengan majalah dapat menampilan barang-barang yang dapat anda tawarkan.

Sebagai langkah awal, lebih baik anda membuat blog yang jauh lebih mudah dari website. Anda dapat memilikinya secara gratis apabila anda memiliki account (akun) di Gmail.com. Anda hanya perlu mengetikkan di bagian url browser anda dengan :blogger.com. Kemudian akan dktampilkan bagian untuk memasukkan username dan passwored anda. Masukkan email anda di gmail, misal xxxx@gmail.com, dan password anda yang sama dengan membuka email di gmail. Setelah masuk, anda dapat membuat buat dengan klik tulisan "create a blog" atau "ciptakan sebuah blog" di sisi kanan sebelah atas. Anda tinggal mengikuti petunjuk selanjutnya. Apabila telah selesai, anda tinggal mengisi tulisan supaya anda dapat segera memulai menerapkan cara mendapatkan uang dari internet.

Di artikel selanjutnya anda akan bagaimana cara menulis di blog anda supaya bisa mendapatkan uang dari internet. Apabila anda sudah tidak sabar untuk mendapatkan uang dari internet, anda bisa belajar dari panduan detil mengenai cara mendapatkan uang dari blog.

daftar harga blackberry

Ayo ini mungkin bisa sedikit membantu anda yang ingin membeli Blackberry.hehehe

Blackberry 8220 harga baru Rp 4.000.000 / harga second : --
Blackberry pearl8120 harga baru - / harga second : Rp 2 .700.000
Blackberry 8320 harga baru : RP 3.950.000 / harga second 3.000.000
Blackberry strom 9500 harga baru : Rp 7.000.000 / harga second –
Blackberry Curve 8310 harga baru; Rp 3.100.000,/ harga second :Rp 2.600.000
Blackberry 8820 harga baru Rp. / harga second : 2.650.000
Blackberry bold 9000 harga baru : RP 7.600.000 / harga second : -
Blackberry pearl 8100 harga baru : RP -/ harga second : 1.900.000
Blackberry javelin 8900 harga baru : 4.700.000 / harga second :-

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

processor tercepat

Beberapa hari lalu Intel Corporation secara resmi memperkenalkan prosesor desktop tercanggih yang pernah diciptakan yakni Intel Core i7. Diklaim mampu mempercepat proses komputasi untuk bermain game dan edit video hingga 40 persen lebih cepat tanpa meningkatkan konsumsi energi, Core i7 merupakan anggota pertama dari keluarga prosesor Nehalem.

Sebagai “the fastest processor on the planet”, Intel Core i7 memegang rekor benchmarking di industri komputer dengan skor 117 untuk tes SPECint_base_rate2006 yang mensimulasikan bebeapa tugas untuk mengukur kecepatan prosesor. Inilah kali pertama sebuah prosesor tunggal mampu melebihi skor 100 point.

Beberapa teknologi terbarunya yang menjadi andalan adalah Turbo Boost (berguna menyesuaikan clock speed dari empat individual processing cores untuk aplikasi single dan multi-threaded), power-saving (memungkinkan bandwidth memori lebih dari dua kali lipat sehingga mampu mempercepat transfer bits dan bites baik keluar maupun masuk dari dan ke prosesor), dan Hyper-Threading (memungkinkan multiple computing threads untuk dapat bekerja secara simultan). Hasil akhirnya prosesor quad core Core i7 bisa memberikan kinerja 8-threaded yang optimal bagi pengguna.
Intel Core i7 dijual seharga USD 284, Core i7 2,93GHz dibandrol seharga USD 562, dan Core i7 Extreme edition 3,20GHz bisa dimiliki senilai USD 999.

penangkapan teroris di Temanggung

Jakarta - Sejumlah pihak meragukan jenazah yang tewas di Temanggung adalah Noordin M Top. Jika argumen ini benar, lalu siapakah pemuda yang kabarnya tewas mengenaskan tersebut. Mungkinkah ia adalah Ibrohim?

Pihak pertama yang meragukan kematian Noordin adalah pengamat intelijen Dynno Chressbon. Ia yang mengaku sudah melihat foto asli jenazah itu mengatakan, teroris tidak mirip sama sekali dengan Noordin. Kemiripan jenazah dengan foto yang beredar hanya dari kalung yang dipakai saja.

"Lebih mirip preman pasar daripada Noordin M Top," cetus Dynno.

Senada dengan Dynno, kepala Centre for Violence and Terrorism Singapura, Rohan Gunaratna, bahkan berani menyatakan jenazah tersebut bukanlah Noordin M Top. Ia mengaku mengutip dari sumber yang ikut dalam proses investigasi.

"Dia (Noordin) belum tewas, sesungguhnya tes DNA membuktikan bahwa jasad yang ditemukan bukan Noordin Mohammed Top," kata Rohan seperti dilansir Aljazeera.net.

Sikap pesimis juga datang dari Direktur International Crisis Group (ICG) Sidney Jones. Ia menduga kemungkinan besar jenazah itu bukan Noordin.

"Saya kira kemungkinan besar itu bukan dia (Noordin). Bukannya saya yakin itu bukan dia, tetapi kemungkinan besar bukan," kata Sidney Jones saat dihubungi detikcom, Minggu (9/8/2009).

Setelah adanya berbagai keraguan tersebut, muncul kabar bahwa pria yang tewas di Temanggung adalah Ibrohim, florist di flower shop di Ritz-Carlton. Keberadaan Ibrohim pun saat ini masih gelap. Jika foto jenazah yang beredar di internet benar, maka secara fisik bentuk muka Ibrohim lebih mirip.

Ketika dikonfirmasi, Wakadiv Humas Mabes Polri Sulistyo Ishak tidak bisa memastikan hal ini. Pihaknya masih menunggu hasil tes DNA yang dilakukan penyidik dari Densus 88.

"Kita tidak bisa berbicara kemungkinan dan berandai-andai, semuanya masih menunggu hasil tes DNA," ucapnya saat dihubungi lewat telepon.(sumber : detiknews.com)

Rabu, 15 Juli 2009

5 rahasia facebook

1. Konami Code
Pertama klik background terus pencet atas atas bawah bawah kiri kanan kiri kanan b a enter klik
2. Quote rahasia
Buka Friend list punya orang lain (bukan Friendlist punya sendiri) terus pilih View All dan pilih Everyone terus Highlight di paling bawah daftar temennya ada quote rahasia kecil. Kalo ga keliatan coba pencet Ctrl+a
3. Bahasa bajak laut
Scroll sampai paling bawah Page terus klik English(US) (ato Bahasa Indonesia kalo pake Bahasa Indonesia), nanti ada pilihan English (Pirate) yang kocak dipakenya
4. Siapa itu Putnam?
Kalo lagi chatting, kita masukin :putnam: bakal keluar emote dengan gambar muka orang ga jelas. Itu adalah Chris Putnam, ahli software facebook..
5. Little Celtics Fan
Cara untuk liatnya: buka gambar di facebook, klik kanan mouse terus pilih View Image. Delete URL-nya ampe slash, kaya gini contohnya :
http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos…6.snc1/asd.jpg jadi http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos…c1/hs006.snc1/

Selasa, 14 Juli 2009

ciri - ciri/gejala flu babi

Pada umumnya, ciri-ciri dan gejala infeksi flu babi pada manusia mirip dengan flu biasa pada manusia, yakni:
* demam yang muncul tiba-tiba
* batuk
* nyeri otot
* sakit tenggorokan
* dan kelelahan yang berlebihan.

myspace layout design

halo mau promosi nih.bagi temen-temen yang pada punya band dan udah didaftarin ke myspace tapi masih bingung dan pengen tampilan myspace nya lebih keren.boleh tuh minta bantuan ke saya.bagi yang minat.kasih komentarnya yah.hehe thx.
oya nih contoh layout bikinan saya myspace.com/123syf

Senin, 13 Juli 2009

Minggu, 12 Juli 2009

Michael Jackson, The King of Pop, Is Dead at 50

Michael Jackson, the child star turned King of Pop who set the world dancing but whose musical genius was overshadowed by a bizarre lifestyle and sex scandals, died on Thursday. He was 50.

Jackson was pronounced dead at 2:26 p.m. PDT after arriving at a Los Angeles hospital in full cardiac arrest, said Fred Corral of the Los Angeles County Coroner's office. The cause of death was not known and an autopsy would likely take place on Friday, he said.

Jackson was taken ill at home and his personal physician tried to resuscitate him but could not, his brother Jermaine told reporters. Jackson was taken by paramedics to the hospital, where doctors worked for more than an hour to try to revive him before pronouncing him dead, the brother said.

Known as the "King of Pop," for hits that included "Thriller" and "Billie Jean," Jackson's dramatic, one-gloved stage presence and innovative dance moves were imitated by legions of fans around the world.

His lifetime record sales tally was believed to be around 750 million, and with his 13 Grammy Awards and boundary-breaking music videos he was one of the most successful entertainers of all time.

But Jackson's belief that "I am Peter Pan in my heart," his preference for the company of children, his friendship with a chimp, his high-pitched voice and numerous plastic surgeries also earned him critics and the nickname "Wacko Jacko."

Jackson led a reclusive life after his acquittal in 2005 on charges of child molestation, the second time he had faced ultimately unproved allegations of abuse of young boys.

Situs Pay Per Click Untuk Indonesia

Situs Pay Per Click Untuk Indonesia

Pay Per ClickJika anda mempunyai sebuah website atau blog dan ingin mendapat penghasilan dari situ, tidak ada salahnya anda mencoba sebuah program yang dinamakan Pay Per Click.
Pay Per Click atau disingkat PPC adalah sebuah metode kerjasama periklanan di internet dimana webmaster atau pemilik situs akan dibayar atas setiap klik pengunjung situs pada link iklan yang terpasang di website atau blog miliknya.
Mungkin anda sudah tahu PPC yang paling terkenal adalah PPC milik google adsense, tetapi google adsense mempunyai syarat yang sangat ketat sehingga banyak publisher indonesia sering di tolak waktu mendaftarkan web atau blognya.
Berikut saya berikan beberapa situs indonesia yang bergerak dalam bidang seperti google adsense .
Persyaratan yang di berikan pada situs-situs dibawah ini tergolong tidak terlalu sulit dibandingkan persyaratan yang diberikan oleh google adsense.

1. Kliksaya
KlikSaya adalah pasar periklanan online khusus untuk wilayah Indonesia.
Publisher akan mendapatkan komisi sebesar 50% dari harga per klik yang ditawarkan oleh pemasang iklan.
situs : www.kliksaya.com

2. Kumpulblogger
Jaringan Blogger Indonesia untuk mendapatkan alternatif penghasilan tambahan, dengan cara menyediakan spot/ruangan pada blognya sebagai tempat menyampaikan pesan komersial dari Advertiser.
Publisher akan mendapatkan 1 kali Klik Type Text Links senilai Rp.300, Type Mini Banner senilai Rp. 350 , maka bisa dihitung sendiri jumlah revenue yang didapat perbulan.
situs : www.kumpulblogger.com

3. Ppcindo
Ppcindo merupakan bentuk usaha jasa layanan pemasangan iklan secara online pada jaringan situs ppcindo.
Publisher akan mendapatkan komisi yang lebih tinggi berdasarkan Alexa Rank (50% untuk publisher).
situs : www.ppcindo.com

4. Klikrupiah
Klikrupiah adalah suatu website pemasang iklan dimana setiap anggota melihat iklan akan dibayar Rp 100 untuk setiap iklan dengan waktu 31 detik dan anda akan mendapatkan pemasukan juga jika anda mengajak teman anda .
situs : www.klikrupiah.com

5. Adsensecamp
AdsenseCamp merupakan website yang memberikan kesempatan bagi Anda untuk memperoleh penghasilan tambahan dengan menyediakan ruang pada website Anda sebagai tempat pemasangan iklan bagi advertiser.
situs : www.adsensecamp.com

6. Ppcinbox
Ppcinbox.com merupakan website yang memberikan kesempatan bagi Anda untuk memperoleh penghasilan tambahan dengan menyediakan ruang pada website Anda sebagai tempat pemasangan iklan bagi advertiser.
Publisher akan dibayar Rp 100,- Rp 150,- untuk iklan teks dan Rp 200,- Rp 300,- Rp 500,- untuk iklan banner untuk setiap iklan yang diklik oleh pengunjung web anda (CPC).
situs : www.ppcinbox.com

7. Adspeedy
Adspeedy adalah portal periklanan online yang berfungsi untuk mempertemukan Advertiser (pemilik iklan) maupun Publisher (penerbit iklan).
Pemberian komisi klik & impression adalah sebesar 50% hingga 80%.
Persentasi kenaikkan komisi akan dilakukan secara bertahap berdasarkan reputasi, sedangkan pembayaran akan ditransfer langsung ke-rekening bank.
situs : www.adspeedy.com

8. Adsentra
Adsentra menghadirkan layanan Jaringan Periklanan Indonesia atau istilah populernya Indonesia Advertising Network.
situs : www.adsentra.com

Sumber informasi diambil dari masing-masing situs.

dapet uang dari blog

aduh....ternyata masih bingung nih gimana cara dapet uang dari blog.ada yang bisajelasin lebih jelas?hehe.

Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

Kontroversi Seputar Fatwa Haram “Facebook”

Boomingnya layanan situs jejaring sosial, seperti facebook, friendster maupun chatting untuk menjalin hubungan pertemanan diam-diam diawasi oleh ulama.

Pondok Pesantren se Jawa-Madura yang tergabung dalam Forum Komunikasi Pondok Pesantren Putri (FMP3) mengharamkan pemanfaatan situs jejaring sosial secara berlebihan, seperti mencari jodoh maupun pacaran.

Pernyataan ini sesuai dengan hasil pembahasan dalam Forum Bahtsul Masail di Pondok Pesantren Putri Hidayatul Mubtdien Lirboyo, Kelurahan Lirboyo, Kecamatan Mojoroto, Kota Kediri, yang dilaksanakan sejak 2 hari yang lalu.

“Ini merupakan hasil pembahasan terakhir yang kami lakukan semalam. Intinya, larangan ini kami keluarkan sesuai dengan aturan yang sudah ada dalam ketentuan agama,” kata salah satu anggota perumus Komisi C FMP3, Masruhan saat ditemui detiksurabaya.com di Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo, Jum’at (22/5/2009).

Dijelaskan oleh Masruhan, larangan tersebut ditekankan adanya hubungan pertemanan spesial yang berlebihan. Apabila hubungan pertemanan spesial tersebut dilakukan mengenal karakter seseorang dalam kerangka ingin menikahi dengan keyakinan keinginannya akan mendapatkan restu dari orang tua, hal tersebut tetap diperbolehkan.

“Di sini yang dilarang apabila penggunan facebook hanya untuk mencari jodoh dan mengenal karakternya dan tidak dalam proses khitbah (pinangan atau lamaran),” jelas Masruhan.

Dalam penentuan pernyataan tersebut, FMP3 menggunakan sejumlah dasar. Antara lain Kitab Bariqah Mahmudiyah halaman 7, Kitab Ihya’ Ulumudin halaman 99, Kitab Al-Fatawi Al-Fiqhiyyah Al-Kubra halaman 203, serta sejumlah kitab dan tausiyah dari ulama besar.

“Intinya yang kami hasilkan ini sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam agama, yang secara tegas sudah menyebutkan hubungan pertemanan speSial tanpa ada maksud keseriusan diharamkan,” ungkap Masruhan.

Dijadikannya penggunaan layanan jejaring sosial sebagai pembahasan dalam forum Bahtsul Masail, dijelaskan Masruhan dikarenakan penggunaannya sudah dianggap sangat mengkhawatirkan. Pertemanan dalam facebook oleh masyarakat, sejauh ini dianggap lebih sering dilakukan dengan sifat tidak serius.

Secara terpisah juru bicara forum Bahtsul Masail FMP3, Nabil Haroen menegaskan, dalam pengambilan keputusan tersebut pihaknya menggunakan dasar yang berbeda dengan dasar yang digunakan oleh forum lain.

“Seperti MUI kalau memiliki dasar lain dengan keputusan yang berbeda kami tidak dapat menyalahkan. Kami hanya menjalankan kewajiban seorang muslim untuk saling mengingatkan, dengan tidak ada maksud menekan,” kata Nabil.

Ditegaskan Nabil, hukum haram yang dikeluarkan pihaknya hanya untuk penggunaan facebook untuk hubungan pertemanan spesial yang berlebihan. Layanan jejaring sosial semacam friendster dan facebook tetap dinyatakan halal bila dipergunakan sesuai manfaat dan kegunaannya.

“Kami juga harapkan, pernyataan ini bisa dijadikan pelajaran bagi owner facebook atau friendster, agar mereka lebih selektif serta menggunakan kontrol ketat terhadap penggunaannya,” papar Nabil.

Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika (Depkominfo) tidak mau menanggapi rencana fatwa pengharaman Facebook oleh para ulama di Jawa Timur.

“Saya tidak mau menanggapi (fatwa) itu. Itu kan memang urusan mereka (ulama). Yang jelas kami sudah membuat payung hukum mengenai pemanfaatan teknologi,” ujar Dirjen Aplikasi Telematika Cahyana Ahmadjayadi, saat dihubungi okezone, Jumat (22/5/2009).

Menurut Cahyana, Facebook merupakan fenomena jaringan sosial yang terbentuk berdasarkan inovasi berbasis teknologi informasi. Masyarakat bergabung ke Facebook dengan sendirinya, tanpa promosi.

“Sebuah inovasi tidak bisa kita bendung. Apalagi tidak dipromosikan, tiba-tiba sudah bergabung puluhan juta orang ke dalam situs tersebut. Ini yang tidak bisa kita bendung,” papar Cahyana.

Yang harus dilakukan, lanjut Cahyana, adalah upaya-upaya yang bisa menciptakan sebuah koridor tentang pemanfaatan teknologi informasi yang taat asas dan sesuai kaidah-kaidah hukum telematika.

“Di Indonesia sudah ada Undang-undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 tentang informasi dan transaksi elektronik, sebagai payung hukum terhadap pemanfaatan teknologi. Ini termasuk pasal-pasal yang memuat tentang perbuatan yang dilarang, berikut sanksinya,” tandas Cahyana.

Sebelumnya, para ulama di Jawa Timur berencana untuk memberikan fatwa pengharaman penggunaan Facebook. Melejitnya para pengguna Facebook di Indonesia ini menyulut kekhawatiran sekira 700 tokoh muslim di Surabaya. Mereka menilai menjamurnya jejaring sosial tersebut dirasa akan memberikan dampak negatif bagi umat Muslim di Indonesia, dan dapat digunakan untuk transaksi seks terselubung.

Senin, 25 Mei 2009

Perkenalan Band Saya

assalamualaikum wr.wrb

halo para blogger semua. Mau mempublikasikan band saya nih. Namanya 123 Snap Your Finger, yah..band2 anak muda gitu kali yah.hahaha...katanya sih genrenya experimental,rock dan freestyle.tp kalo berkenan liat dan kasih komentar aja yah. klik aja di myspace.com/123syf
terimakasih atas semuanya.hahaha

wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

cara extreme meningkatkan traffic blog anda

Memanfaatkan momentum

Meski teknik menaikkan traffic blog dengan memanfaatkan momentum ini hanya untuk sesaat saja, tetapi tidak ada salahnya untuk kita coba dan cukup bisa diandalkan kok buat mendongkrak visitor/traffic blog.

Apa syarat yang diperlukan untuk menaikkan traffic blog dengan memanfaatkan momentum? Tidak banyak, anda hanya perlu mencermati topik apa yang lagi hot dibahas di media elektronik, cetak dan online. Setelah itu buat postingan khusus tentang topik tersebut dan jangan lupa untuk menentukan keyword terbaik dan menyelipkan pada postingan anda tersebut.

Sebagai contoh berikut ini ada 2 berita yang sangat populer belakangan ini dan banyak sekali di manfaatkan blogger untuk menjaring traffic blog mereka.

#Pertama, Kisah cinta Rani Julianti dengan Antasari Azhar

Saya yakin anda sering menonton televisi belakangan ini, ada sebuah kisah cinta yang sangat populer dan marak sekali di beritakan oleh media di Indonesia baik itu televisi, radio maupun media online seperti blog. Kisah cinta ini sangat populer bahkan bisa mengalahkan berita pemungutan hasil pemilu 2009.

Karena kisah cinta ini sangat populer baik itu di media offline maupun media online sehingga banyak sekali pengguna internet yang penasaran dan mencari dengan kata kunci "video mesara rani julianti","photo rani julianti","blog rani julianti", dll.

Sebagai bukti, coba saja lihat traffic blog rani julianti juga ikut meningkat secara drastis, blognya sangat sederhana dan hanya terdiri dari 2 postingan saja. Pada sidebarnya terpasang sebuah shoutbox dan pemutar mp3. Tetapi coba lihat komentarnya melebihi 1000 komentar, belum lagi shoutbox-nya dipenuhi dengan iklan bahkan saya pernah mau komentar di shoutbox tidak bisa karena sudah over limit alias batas komentar sudah melebihi quota.

#Kedua; Video porno mirip Wulan Guritno dan Ananda Mikola

Kemaren pagi (10 Mei 2009) saya baca di koran dan siangya saya juga melihat berita di televisi, video porno mirip wulan guritno dan ananda mikola beredar luas di internet. Wulan guritno seorang artis sekaligus sebagai seorang publik figure, cantik, pasti akan membuat orang penasaran ingin menonton video porno wulan guritno tersebut.

Selain kedua contoh diatas ada banyak moment yang bisa kita manfaatkan misalnya pada saat menjelang tahun baru, hadiah velentine, hasil pemilu 2009, kejadian aneh (lumpur sidoarjo, ponari dan batu petir ajaib), dll

Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

Cara Menggunakan Paypal Yang Aman

Awas phishing!, phishing adalah kejahatan pencurian username dan password account Paypal anda, phishing dari kata bahasa Inggris fishing ('memancing'), pengguna Paypal dikirimi email yang biasanya spam yang mengandung link yang mengarah kepada website palsu yang mirip website Paypal, jika pengguna Paypal login ke website Paypal palsu itu username dan passwordnya akan dicuri. Karena itu untuk keamanan anda pastikan setiap mengunjungi Paypal alamat situs yang tertulis di address bar browser adalah alamat website resmi Paypal http://www.paypal.com/ atau https://www.paypal.com/

- Untuk menghindari phishing atau kemungkinan kejahatan lain, jangan pernah login ke situs Paypal dari link di email

- Jangan download attachments dari email yang mengaku dari Paypal, atau menyuruh anda untuk menginstall update software ke komputer anda, Paypal tidak pernah mengirimkan attachment dalam email, pergunakan account anda dengan bijak

- Jangan pernah memberikan password Paypal anda kepada siapapun termasuk dari telp, pegawai Paypal tidak pernah meminta password anda, jika anda yakin orang lain kemungkinan mengetahui password anda segera ubah password anda secepatnya dan hubungi Paypal

- Jangan buat password Paypal anda sama dengan password anda di website lain (seperti password email, forum, iklanbaris, dll) karena pemilik website lain dapat melihat email dan password anda pada website mereka

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Hanya anda yang boleh mengetahui 4 digit nomor tersebut untuk menghindari penyalahgunaan account Paypal anda, anda juga dapat melihat statement kartu kredit anda jika bank anda mempunyai fasilitas online banking untuk statement kartu kredit, 4 digit nomor tersebut akan tercamtum 3-4 hari setelah anda mendaftar menjadi Verified member Paypal

- Sebelum melakukan transaksi menggunakan Paypal dari suatu website periksa dahulu privacy dan kemanannya dan pastikan website tersebut bukan penipuan dengan menghubungi mereka, jangan bertransaksi dengan website yang pemiliknya tidak dapat dihubungi, cari tahu orang lain yang pernah bertransaksi dengan mereka bagaimana reputasinya di forum atau website lain.

lebih baik lagi jika website tersebut sudah di verifikasi oleh Verisign, Hacker save atau verifikasi keamanan lainnya, pastikan juga logo Verisign, Hacker save atau website keamanan lain jika tercantum diwebsite tersebut di link ke website verifikasi masing-masing, jika tidak anda perlu mencurigai website tempat anda akan melakukan transaksi tersebut, lebih baik lagi jika website tersebut dilengkapi SSL secured yaitu tanda gembok berwarna kuning disebelah kanan bawah browser yang berarti website tersebut memiliki keamanan berlapis.

Mungkin anda perlu software gratis ini demi kenyamanan dan keaman anda.